Saturday, August 23, 2008

IQ Test - IQ Test


Egyptian Astrology
Sekmet November 27 - December 26 A fiery and destructive Egyptian goddess associated with war and divine vengeance. Her name means "the Mighty One" and she was depicted as a woman with the head of a lioness. Her main center of worship was the Old Kingdom capital of Memphis. She was also the "Lady of Pestilence" who could send plague and disease. People born under this sign are intelligent, witty, eloquent & optimistic. Herb: Pepper. Stone: Tiger's Eye. Tree: Sandlewood. Animal: Lioness. Flower: Poppy.
Fun quizzes, surveys & blog quizzes by Quibblo

What my eye color means

What does your eye color mean?
Brown Your brown eyes mean wiseness. You are very smart and wise. Sometimes you can get to your wild side but who doesn't!
Fun quizzes, surveys & blog quizzes by Quibblo

My Sexy Name

How sexy is your name?
Beyond very very very Sexy!(600+ points) Wow! Your name is beyond very very very sexy!
Fun quizzes, surveys & blog quizzes by Quibblo

My Personality

Personality Type Quiz
Shy Personality Type You keep pretty much to yourself, and mostly open-up to those who are really, really close to you—your family and best friends, which also means you’re really trustworthy and loyal. You tend to be quiet and sometimes get embarrassed easily.
Fun quizzes, surveys & blog quizzes by Quibblo

My Element

[Females only]What element are you?
Fire Flaunts:Intelligent,resourceful,confident,responsable
Most compatible with:Air
Fun quizzes, surveys & blog quizzes by Quibblo

Friday, August 22, 2008

Helpless Friend-Ask Jenny

Dear Jenny,
my friend likes this guy. how can i convince the guy that she ikes him?

Dear helen,
First, I want you to ask yourself this: Does your friend want her crush to know that she likes him? If no, then you should completely drop the subject. If yes, then:
You should start getting closer to the guy, and make him trust you more by little things. But don't make it so obvious, and then make your friend jealous.
Just try whatever you can without making your friend feel mad or jealous, and if the boy still doesn't believe you, then he's a stupid guy that can't trust anyone, and I don't think your friend deserves him. (No offense, but no one wants to be friends with that kind of person.)

(email more!!)

Emotionally Emo-Ask Jenny

Dear Jenny,
i hate my life. how do i stop from going emo?
-emotionally emo

Dear emotionally emo,
Well, you being emo is totally your choice. It's good that you want to prevent it, though. Here are a few tips to help you "see the light".
1. When you say you "hate your life", I think you should find out why you hate your life first. Is it because of a relationship, grades, or whatever. I suggest making a list of why you hate your life, and what you love about your life. And really think on this, because it helps. (Saw it on the internet.) Also, you should try to make at least 5 things on the why you love your life part.
2. Preventing emo is really hard. Make sure you hang out around the right friends, and keep your grades up. It'll make you feel a bit better.
And remember, don't do anything drastic. (Like suicide.) Because, you might not know it, but there are at least ten people in this world that would cry until their eyes get dry, and can't cry anymore, if you died. And there are at least 5 people in this world that would suicide if you killed yourself. So think about more happy things, and try to remember that when you kill yourself, you are ruining the lives of others, too.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Fake Friend-Ask Jenny

Dear Jenny,
One of my friend can be nice at times but mean at others, so i don't know if i should be mean to her or nice????????

Dear bballgirl,
This friend doesn't sound like a real friend. And everyone knows that it's not fun being around someone that's mean and gets mad a lot. I think that you should start pulling away from this "friend". Maybe you can start hanging out with them a little less than before, and maybe start making new friends, or hanging out with others that are fun to be around. Your friend might be a little pissed off, but who cares? It's not like you've had any fun with her. Why should she have fun with you?

Confused Lover-Ask Jenny

Dear Jenny,

there's this guy and idk if i like i?
Dear stupid
This depends on how you feel. But I can give you a feel tips on how you can tell:
First you have to figure out what you want in a guy. Like if you want him to be smart, or athletic, or funny. Then see how many fall in your crush. Maybe you'll figure out if you like him or not.
If you still can't tell, then I think you should get to know him more. If you don't know him, what's the point of liking him?
Then when you do know him, and still can't figure out, you might want to try and figure out through trustworthy friends if he likes you. (A lot of girls start out not liking guys, but when they figure out that the guy likes them, they start liking the guy, too. I know, it's crazy, but it happens.)
Well, I hope this helps you. But remember, this is totally on your feelings. So no one can really help you.

(email more!)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

High School Problems-Ask Jenny

Dear Jenny,
My mom doesnt want me to go to austin. she waants me to go to debakey high. it's a health proffessional school and its really really good. My mom teaches there, but she says that well move if i get into it. (you have to take an entrance test.) should i flunk?
-high schooler

Dear high schooler,
I think you shouldn't flunk, no matter what. But I don't think that you really have to go to this school. It's kinda your own choice, though. I mean, if you want to be a health professional then I think you should definitely go to Debakey. But, if you don't, then maybe you should stick with the local high school. I mean, this isn't college, and it'll save you the trip of moving. (Moving is tiring. I learned that from past experiences.) I think this high school thing is totally up to you. But you shouldn't flunk. Because:
1. you would be so embarrassed
2. your mom would kill you (her being a teacher and all)

(email more!!)

Underachiever-Ask Jenny

Dear Jenny,

What do you do when u feel like an underachiever because alot of people younger than you are way better than you and alot of people younger than you have better stuff or when you are the only one your age that i behind in something?


Dear someone,
You are not an underachiever, even though you feel like it. When people are younger than you and better at something than you are, that doesn't mean you're worse than them. Everyone's good at something, and even if you stink at everything you've tried, you're still good at something. (Stinking at everything!!!) So you shouldn't feel really sad that people that are smaller than you have better skills and better things. Maybe they think that your things are cool. And I don't think that you're the only on your age behind in things. Maybe it's cause you're comparing with the good people. Try and compare with the suckish, you'll feel way better. :)

(email more!!)

Sucky Sleepover-Ask Jenny

Dear Jenny,

Me freind and i wuz gonna have a sleepover at my house and i called her earlier that day.. She didn't pick up the phone. It was 3 hours early so i dicided to call her late when shed get back from wherever she was. i had forgotten to call her but it was when she was supposed to comeover so i decided to wait for her to come over. She was about 30 minutes later. Butt i waited anyways. i hadnt noticed how late it was until i looked at the clock and i reelized that she was 2 hours later. i called her, and there was no answer. A little maddish, i called her again but she didnit pick up her cell phone or her home. i waited for another hour only to hear the phone ring. i picked it up and it was my friend telling me that she couldnt come over anymore. She wouldnt tell me why, but i could hear people talking in the background, they sounded like mes age. She quickly said good bye and hung up. i felt really hurt. i know i might be jumping to conclusions and stuff, but i felt super dissepponted and mad at her. i was really looking forward to the sleepover. Am i making a big deal out of this?

-- feeling dissepponted

Dear fealing dissepponted,
You kinda are making a big deal out of this, but I know how you feel. My friend and I were planning a sleepover for OVER A MONTH, and then she canceled!! *cough cough M.L.* But you shouldn't like, make a SUPER BIG DEAL out of this, because maybe she just had like, another party she forgot about, or something. Or maybe she had some friend come over from like, Ohio, or something, and figured that since you're always there, you can plan one on another time. Or maybe, she really did forget, and since they were already there, she couldn't do anything. I don't think that missing one sleepover is actually a good reason to mess up your friendship. Unless that friend is a total pain and a backstabber. Then you should sever the friendship (look at the big word I used!!) and never talk to her again!!!! Yeah. But missing just one sleepover is ok. Do not make a too big of a deal over this. Cause, it's not that important. Hope things work out! :)

(email more!!)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Hopeless Crush-Ask Jenny

Dear Jenny,
what if the guy you like doesnt like you back?
Dear anonymous,
BE STRONG AND DON'T LET IT GET TO YOUR HEAD. MAYBE HE WILL ONE DAY, BUT IF HE DOESN'T, YOU'RE WAY TOO GOOD FOR HIM. BE STRONG. And take it easy. Maybe you should hang out with him more, and maybe tell him. Cause from past expierences, it's worked for some of my friends.

Lezbo Friend-Ask Jenny

Dear Jenny,
if i found out one of my friends is lez what do i do?slap them?

Dear anonymous,
I think you should not break away from your friend, or slap them. (Cause they might slap you back.) This is the time to show that you are a true friend, and will stick by their side forever. Of course, I can't force you, so it is your choice if you want to be embarrassed and grossed out, or stay cool and act like nothing's happening. This is the ultimate test. Which side will you choose?
(Did you like the suspense?)
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Crush-Ask Jenny

Dear Jenny,
im SO TOTALLY confluzzed about this guy.. hes sweet and makes me feel happy. He's treats me like a good friend but i donnt really feel the same way he feels about me. i think of him more than a good friend and its bothering me cuz its like hes messing with my feelings.. i know he's just being nice and stuff but it hurts real bad :'( :'( :'( WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

-------trubbled and hurt :'(

Dear trubbled and hurt,
I know I've never been in this kind of situation before, but I've read plenty of stuff to know that you are IN PAIN. AND YOU KNOW WHAT? WHY SHOULD YOU BE IN PAIN OVER A GUY THAT DOESN'T EVEN KNOW THAT HE LIKES YOU?!?!?! WE ARE GIRLS, AND GIRLS ARE STRONG. I know that one day you will find "the one". And you should focus more on more important things, probably. This is just a bud in your flourishing flower of love. (? I don't get what I just said.) Anyways, it probably does hurt, and I have NO CLUE what you're going through, but be strong, and whoever this guy is, you never know. Since you're good friends, he might like you, too. You should probably take it slow, though. Like, give him one of those carnations for a dollar or something for Valentine's Day. Or chocalates, or a card. Or if that's too embarrassing for you, then like, just hang out with him more. He'll probably get the idea. Unless he's stupid. Well, I think you should STAY STRONG NO MATTER WHAT and don't let this take over your life. Take it slow, and maybe you two will work out!
(And invite me to your wedding!)
(email more!)

Egomaniac-Ask Jenny

Dear Jenny,
i have a friend.they're an egomaniac. i don't know how to point this out to her. i've told her directly many times, but she still goes on and on about her awesomeness.. what do i do?

Dear Michelle,
My friend *cough cough* always points this out to me, too. What she (or he *hahaha*) is really feeling is maybe that she feels.......insecure inside. And that maybe she is doing this because she wants to cover up her true feelings inside. Or maybe, she just feels that she is awesome, and you shouldn't burst her bubble, because, maybe it took her a long time to work up that confidence. I mean, if you want to hurt her feelings, what kind of a friend are you?

(email more!!!!!)

Saturday, August 16, 2008


I just had this new idea. I was like, reading this issue of some magazine, and they had like, an advice column. Where people send them questions, and then they pick some to answer every issue. So I thought that it would be cool if some of you could email me some questions that I am capable of asking on my blog. Wouldn't that be cool? And you people know my email, so you can email the questions. And I promise I'll put every one of them on the blog, but maybe it'll be later than others. So could you please (for my sake) email me questions?
And I'll be putting your name on, so if you want it to be "private", then just email me and tell me not to post it. Or put a fake name. (But of course, if it was private, you probably wouldn't even tell me. SHEESH.) Hehe.
So please email me questions. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE???

(by the way: i have to actually know you, so if you want it to be "private", please put your real name, and ill put the fake one. :) thanks! And you have to be in my contacts list..)

Thursday, August 14, 2008

This is what everyone's voice reminds me of:

Michelle's: a manatee
Yanan's: a frying pan
Helen's: a cherry..
Gary's: cracking twigs
James's: a turtle.
Kevin's: a cat
Anna's: a car engine that's working
Joseph's: salt
Alex's: a boat..
Tiffany's: candy!!!
Amar's: the usual(donkey) :)


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH WHAT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008



