Monday, May 10, 2010


OMG summer's almost here! :D I can't wait to have iced tea like above and swim in the pool!

Of course, I must keep focused so I don't slack off these next few weeks. *Sigh* Life is so hard...and pretty soon I'll be wishing to go to high school! :)

So anyways, there's sunny days ahead. Don't ruin them with a gloomy outlook on life!! ICED TEA!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cinco de Mayo

Hola amigos!! As you should know, today is CINCO DE MAYO!! It's an important holiday in Mexico, and since I'm in Spanish, I've learned about it, and how ALL THESE YEARS WHAT I'VE LEARNED ABOUT IT IS WRONG!! D:

So here's the jist: ever since like, elementary school, we've all though that Cinco de Mayo was a holiday celebrating Mexican independence from the French, correct?

WRONG. After this holiday, Mexico went back into being RULED by the French. However, it's still an important holiday, because it's like the traditional story of the underdogs beating the...werewolves. O_O

Ok. So here's the TRUE story as told to me by my very enthusiastic Spanish teacher:

So it's 1862. Mexico's in debt to France, and they can't pay them back. And since the U.S. is in the Civil War, France thought that this was a great opportunity to go invade Mexico and take over. So they went to Mexico, with like...8,000 troops or something, and the discussion went something like this:

FRANCE: Give us back our money!!
MEXICO: But but you said our deadline was 5 months from now!!
FRANCE: Yeah, well, too bad. So here's the deal: you give us what you owe back now, or we get control of Mexico. Ok?
MEXICO: But but--
FRANCE: OK THEN, let's go explore and invade our new territory!

All right so it didn't happen exactly like that, but the facts and the 5 months thing is all correct.

Ok, then these like..Mexican rebels find out, and they decide that they have to go beat up these French wussies and regain their country. So with 4,000 rebels, they went to go fight the French. An important part of this battle is that the French were like...the best army right now, and they haven't lost for like 50 years, and so they were all over-confident and organized and very orderly about the way they fight and stuff. So these Mexican rebels caused a diversion, and all the French marched towards the diversion (you'd think they'd know what was happening, after all those battles...).

While they were preoccupied, the Mexican rebels then attacked and DEFEATED the French, who had TWICE as many troops. This historical event is know as the Battle of Puebla, or something like that, and it happened on May 5th, 1862, or CINCO DE MAYO. (See? It all makes sense now.)

Ok, so the Mexican rebels won, and they're like celebrating. But then France goes back with more troops, and takes control over Mexico and becomes their ruler for 3 more years. lol, so it's like a bittersweet but mostly bitter moment.

Alrighty, now that you've been enlightened, you can go tell all the people that THINK they know about Cinco de Mayo but really DON'T that they're WROONG. See, it could be like:

"Guess what? Today's Mexican Independence Day!"
"Uh, actually, no it's not. It's the Battle of Puebla day. And I'm so sorry that you've been stuck being stupid your whole life, but that doesn't mean you can go around and annoy people who know way more than you do, ok? Thanks. Maybe you've learned something today! :D"

Haha just kidding, don't go to someone and actually say that. You could get seriously hurt. Anyways, sorry if I bored you (those of you who actually READ this thing) with a history lesson that you probably already learned today, but since this IS my blog..of randomness, and this was random, so I have an excuse. :P Anyways, have a great day. life. whatever.

And yes, I just told you what to do. :P LOSERR!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

President Poll Results

Second blog post today! :D

Anyways, I have a few comments about this one post I had. It was like.."What type of President do you guys wanna have next?" And you guys...didn't surprise me, really. :P I think I knew what was coming.

White. Obama's messing the nation up...1 vote
Ok, uh, racist much? And lol I'm surprised I have white readers. :)
LOL JUST JOKING! don't hit me!!

BLACK! GO OBAMA...0 votes
Yeah, I'm not surprised, I don't got any black readers here. But still, racist? This world is so going downhill.

ASIAN! FTW...4 votes
whoo! I like to see that Asian pride here on my blog! :D But you really think an Asian president would be able to rule this nation? They'd probably be doing like...math workbooks all day long and forget about the U.S.

But seriously..

Indian! the national currency will be curry!...1 vote
Ok, I'm surprised someone actually wanted the national currency to be curry. They must feel really strongly about their race...But of course, Asians are still in the lead. :P HAHA LOSER.
Just kidding! No really this time.
But who'd want the national currency to be curry? Will we have to eat it? Won't we just like...stink up the whole nation? At least the deodorant and perfume people will be really rich..

But I mean, come on, that would suck..

dun really care, the pres. doesn't affect me...4 votes
Wow...America's youth these days are really scaring me.. Of course, I voted for this one, too, so. :P I'm a hypocrite. But seriously, I think that...we should at least have an OPINION, I mean come on, soon we'll be able to vote!

It doesn't matter, we're all gonna die...1 vote're a very pessimistic person, aren't you? No comment on this, except for GO GET A COUNSELOR.

Mexican! Ole!...0 votes
Lol this is funny. Guess either I have no Mexican readers, or we just hate you guys. :P sorry bout that...but most of you guys ARE illegal immigrants, am I not right?


Alrighty, I'm I said, I'm not surprised.

Watch me get beatup today at like...chinatown, or whatever. D: I'm kinda scared now.

Linear Equations..actually used in life?! :O

Hey guys you know how in Algebra and other math classes we learn all this graphing crap, and we're like..." when are we going to have to use this in real life?" Well, now..I'VE FOUND AN ANSWER!!

Well...not for inverse or exponential or square root functions, but I HAVE found one for linear!

For those of you noneducated people out there, linear equations are straight lines on a graph. They usually follow the equation of y=mx+b. And there's lots of ways to find its intercepts, equation, blah blah blah.

"DON'T BE A BITCH WITH YOUR CHIT CHAT! JUST SHUTUP, AND SHOW ME WHERE YOUR DICK'S AT!" Lol sorry. is that the lyrics to the song? (By Ke$Ha)

AANYWAYS, you use like..linear equations for graphing stuff, and it FINALLY represents life: the older you get, the lazier you get. :) This I realized by seeing my friends, my ASIAN friends, who are usually on top of things, start slacking off, and failing stuff, and not crying and trying to make it up.

Of course, there are always exceptions, like.. my mom, who is VERY lazy, but still does what she has to do. Like cook and clean. Of course, now she makes me help her, so therefore she has to do less work while I do more. But don't be confused, I'm getting lazier, too. I remember once in 6th grade, I got an 89 on a test and I started to cry..what a wuss I was back then.

Lol and now, I get an 84 on a test, and I don't make it up. :P It's just accept it, you know? Also, none of us even study for tests anymore. I feel guilty and the night before, but I remember those innocent days when my friends and I would study weeks before tests in elementary school. I wonder how I had all that time...

Enough about school, I don't practice instruments as much teachers are really "disappointed" in me because I haven't "lived up to my full potential." (She didn't say she was disappointed, but you could totally tell by her facial expression.)

And like, ok...let's talk about old people in this world. Some of them rely on their children to do stuff for them. Of course, they can't do it themselves sometimes because their body limits them, but...I bet they still wouldn't want to do them themselves. They just like..wake up early and go out to walk in the park or whatever.

Lol watch me get ambushed by all these elderly people. D:

I used to be a morning person, too, but now I'm more of a...10-11ish person. And I bet lots of my friends are like that, too.

In conclusion, on a graph of lazyness as the y axis and age on the x axis, the older you are, the more you are lazy. So the line is a positive one going to the upper right. :) I feel so smart. They should make me write an essay about this thing. I'd so beast.

Haha I KID! I'd rather eat and sleep.

Hmm but then I'd get fat... >.< This is harder than I thought.