Sunday, June 27, 2010


Hm well heey guys. Haven't talked to ya'll in a while. Not really. Whatever.

So lately I've been bored and lonely, but strangely I don't have much time. Have you ever been in that situation? Like you seriously want better stuff to do, but at the end of the day you still end up tired and sleepy. I dunno, maybe it's just me? D:

Anyways. I've been wasting my life currently reading Harry Potter. I know I have high school summer reading assignments, but I always procrastinate. And actually, I think it's a pretty good strategy. Like if you read your books super early in the summer, then you'll forget most of it by the time school starts. And then you'll fail the test, unless you re-read it, which is what most of my friends are doing. I'M not gonna re-read the frickin' books...but I WILL annotate them. Especially towards the end of the summer, which is almost when school starts, so I'll remember the whole thing! :D

I just recently finished Harry Potter #6, and started Harry Potter #7. I read the end of the last one, and..I dunno..maybe because I haven't read the whole middle of the book yet, just the beginning and the end, but to me it seems kind of abrupt. Like he beat Voldemort at the end in some logical thing...and Voldemort's curse backfires on himself...and then it fastforwards to when all the kids are all grownup and married and have kids. I should have elaborated on like, their sorrows, and their happiness...

Argh I'm going crazy. I think it IS 'cause I skipped the middle of the book. But that's usually how I read them! I get bored towards the middle, so I skim through most of the book and read the ending. Then I go back to where I stopped reading, and start again. :/ It ruins the book, and it makes me read super slowly..but I can't stop this bad habit.

Hm anyways next. I realized an important thing about myself.  So know how I was looking forward to Summer School a lot, and then my "hopes and dreams" were crushed by not being able to go?

Not really that dramatic, but that happens a lot of times. Like..I had a birthday party, and I was looking to it a lot, since it was my first one, but then it turned out to be really...boring. :( (A lot of my life is consumed by that bad?)

Well I realized that I always look forward to stuff too much. I'll be super excited, and then I get letdown. Hm I guess I just hope for too much. Maybe I should like...have a super pessimistic outlook on life, and look forward to the worst, so then I'll never be disappointed.

Aw but then life's no fun! Maybe I'm always disappointed because of my optimistic outlook on life. :D And, of course, my modesty. *Cough.* :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Secret of Life Guards and Fashion??

Hm now that I've overcome my recent sadness and spazziness over Summer School, I've started to focus more on my SURROUNDINGS, you know? And those surroundings would include the pool, of course. And who, do you ask, is at the pool so worth mentioning to be on my blog??

HOT LIFE GUARDS! :D Lol the guy ones, for those that wonder. Girls count, too, I guess.

I dunno but just recently I've realized that almost all guy life guards are reaaally good looking. And I'm POSITIVE it's not just me...I mean, hasn't everyone read like a magazine article, or a story, or book, etc. about some girl falling in love with a hot life guard??

But then when school starts they break up since she discovers his hideous personality or whatever. But who cares?? We can just look at them for now. *drools*

Lol I'm just kidding. But seriously, I wanna know what makes them so hot. I know they all have like 6 packs and other hunky muscles from swim training. And I guess that have like..a tan, from the sun.

But I mean, being a life guard can't change your face... If it could, then everyone would want to be a life guard!! So how... I mean, why can't all guys look like that?

Nah I take that back. Then you couldn't compare, and be like "Well my guy looks better than your's. :P" But seriously. And doesn't having hot life guards defeat the purpose?? I mean, say you have to save this drowning girl. But maybe, since she's so weak - spirited, when she sees you, she faints and just drowns anyways. Lol can you get fired for that?

Anyways I was just wondering. Summer has a lot of hot guys. Someone needs to tell me their secret. :D

On another subject, I just recently got invited to some fashion website named Lookville. Apparently you can only join on invitation, and I was invited since my blog looked spiffy. :) I mean, I'm very glad for the compliment to my blog, but they obviously don't know me if I'm invited to a FASHION website.

Well, I joined anyways, and then I quit because I couldn't understand the thing, lol. It's post pictures of yourself wearing something you think looks cool, or whatever, and you can comment and give advice.

I didn't understand 3/4 of what the advice givers were saying, and I couldn't really see what was wrong with the outfits... I mean, they looked fine to me. Except for some reaally racy ones, which confused me since the advice givers said they liked it. 0.o

But I feel kind of left out, lol. I mean all those girls out there are dressing up, and I can't understand how to. :( Sometimes I think even guys are better at matching clothes than me. *Cough* As in my friend Alex, who tried explaining to me why he only wore certain shirts with these certain shoes. It took me awhile to get. >.<

Hm am I too un feminine? I care about how I I don't look like a hobo, and I want to look pretty. But after going onto that website, I see I have a lot to learn. Maybe Alex should give me tutoring sessions. XP

Aah just kidding!! That would be awkward.

No but seriously, I really need help. D:

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Waste of Life!

Man I am so pissed. And disappointed. You know how I was talking about going to summer school, and taking health, and I was looking forward to it??

WELL I CAN'T GO ANYMORE. I WASTED MY LIFE yesterday. 2 hours of it!!! Waiting to sign up. I had to sit in the Commons for like 1 hour and 45 minutes, and then more lines to get stickers on my forms or other crap like that.

And when I GET THERE, they say.. "Oh, I'm sorry. Health 1st session is full. Do you wanna take that in the 2nd session?"


And so I had to leave with my dad and sister in tow. After waiting for 2 hours. What justice is this?? I'm sorta sad I don't getta go. Like...I'll have gotten to spend lots of time with my friends during the summer, even if it's during Health. And I would've had time away from my grandparents and sister, which is who I'm spending my summer with. But now that I can't go, I won't have extra homework, or quizzes, or have to deal with some scary people. D:

No seriously. Like while I was waiting there, there was this one white guy who kept on cussing. And he was skinny, but he looked like he could kill someone. And then there were some ghetto people, with really bright hilights...and some sagging REALLY BADLY gangsters, and they were all bigger than me. D:

So all in all I'm not SUPER sad I'm not going... I didn't even cry! :D (Lol I don't cry that much. Don't get the wrong idea.) But now I'm all off nonexistent one, and I don't have much to do in the summer to begin with. :(

At least now my parents are letting me go to camp. They're all happy that I can't go to summer school. >.< Apparently I might get kidnapped by a ninja hiding behind a tree near my bus stop. I don't know... I guess it makes sense for their personalities, considering how they thought I'd fall in a ditch and die when I wanted to ride my bike to school. (Now that I think about it, I have crazy parents. :) Maybe that's where I get it from?)

But what stinks is that the one year I get to go to camp, half the people that I WANT to go aren't going. Really? Is this how my life is always going to be?

No, I'm ok... Just have too much to rant about, lol. Hey, I just realized...why do I answer my own questions online? Is it because of my loneliness during the summer? D: Now I wanna go to summer school again.

But I guess I don't have it THAT bad, since I'd rather be not able to go than having already paid and I HAVE to go, but my friends didn't get in. I hope that's not your situation, Joseph, but you never know. :P

ARRRGH but I HATE the system for registering that I had to go through!! It should really be more organized. At least TELL everyone periodically which classes were full!!! So then I could've gone home and saved an hour of my life. a;sldih fh;laksj f;lij (Because, of course, time is money! :D)

Psh yeah right I'm not THAT Asian. :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

LOL funny facts

Heey! How's your summer going, guys? Mine's ok...I'm at my grandparents'. With my sister, so I guess it's not as GOOD as it could be, but...I'd rather spend my summer with them than with certain other people. XP

Anyways the food's really good. I'll probably get fatter by the end of the summer, even though I hope I won't. Not really having any plans for summer 'cept for school and camp, 'cause EVERYONE'S FREAKIN' IN CHINA!! I know it's the expo and all, but sheesh. Do you really want to wait 3 hours in the frickin' sun in a line with all these FOB people just to go to an exhibit?!?

Yeah, I know, I would too. It's so worth it, lol. (Jenny=hypocrite)

ANYWAYS. I went on some other person's blog, and I was...enlightened about some..weird actions our body does. Like...I dunno they had facts about orgasms and other weird stuff. It was kinda creepy. But interesting! :D (I am such a sick person. This is what loneliness does to me! DX)

Apparently the def. of an orgasm is "something that's totally awesome", since it's the "climax" of "sexual intercourse." Is it just me, or does this remind you of ELA terms? ARGH now I'm comparing a book with "sexual intercourse"! BTW, there's 5 parts to sex. Who knew?

Hm anyway, I'm really sorry to be all sick and stuff, but I seriously learned stuff from this. Not GOOD stuff, I guess, should help you in life, right? Like..if you're on a game show, and they're like.."How many different orgasms could girls have?" And you could be all smart and nerdy and be like, "2!!!" (BTW, that's true.)

Ok, the facts. Guys can get orgasms while being touched on their nipple. o.o I don't know of any girl that would touch a guy's nipple, only guys do that to themselves, I bet. Lol they're lonelier than me. That's a first. XP You can also get orgasms on your hands and feet..losers.

OOH! And like, if you're spine gets electrocuted and oxygenated, or something, technically dead people could orgasm-nate..ish. (is that how you say it? Either way that's creepy...)

HAHA also, guys ejaculate at least 14 gallons of sperm over a lifetime. That's another game show question!! Psh all your friends will be jealous. Not really.

Also, animals have orgasms, too! Scientists think that dolphins have sex for pleasure, actually, and that pigs can have orgasms for 30 minutes. I bet they could kill themselves that way, just twitching with each other. EW.

GAAH i'm so ashamed of myself, but I had to share was soo funny! Anyways, and I'm taking health for summer school this summer, too. I wonder how I'll turn out after that. I'm gonna gross everyone around me out, you can count on that!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Let Summer Begin! :D

OMG today was the last day of school! I gotta walk home, like I never do, but it rained. :( I guess it was ok, it was pretty fun. Though I got wet. And so did my yearbook! D:
Anyways, I LOOOOVED this year; I think it was one of the best I've ever had. I made a lot of new friends, and kept tons of my old ones, so...I guess you could call me a social butterfly. :P Btw, butterflies are pretty. Especially in sticker form.

Argh, sorry I sound so high. I'm just so giddy now that summer's begun, even though probably during July I'll be dying to go back to school. I don't really have much planned. The end of June and beginning of July will be at summer school (NOT 'cause I failed, it's to get my credits done early). Then in August I guess I'll go to camp! :D My first time, and I'm really excited for it. But usually what happens is probably I'll be super excited about it, and then it isn't as fun as I hoped. :( Pooey!

Hm but in all that time between, I guess I'll be spending almost every day at my grandparents'. It'll be really boring there, doing summer reading and going shopping at H-E-B, or whatever other food supermarket. But that's ok, because I can seriously start getting songs onto my iPod! :D I only have 6 songs on it, lol. Even though I got it during Spring Break..psh. I'm always really behind on these technological things.

This year was really weird, because at the end everyone started giving each other heartfelt notes. But not like love notes, more like "Oh you're such a great friend! Let's relive our memories.." At first I wasn't gonna do them, but then I felt kinda bad when I received 2 or 3, so I decided to give them out.

Except I wasn't thinking when I wrote their names in Sharpie on the back, and HUGE, too, so it bled through. :( But some of those notes were REALLY nice, and cute, and artistic. AND creative...I would never have thought of some of the ideas that I received.
ANYWAYS this post is gonna be pretty normal. Just wanted to say stuff about life. But summer's here! :D Time for...pool time, getting fat, holidays, lazyness...did I mention hot guys at the pool? Or girls, I guess. (Jk, I don't just go to the pool to scope out hot guys. ;P)
OH! I forgot about all those yummy cold treats we get to eat now!
Lol did I say this post was going to be normal?

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Baby Boom!!

Ok so I was looking for other cool things to put on this blog, and I came across these pictures. Apparently earlier there was a baby stroller parade in Volgograd, Russia. I guess the people just dress themselves and their babies and the stroller in a theme to match. It's kinda cool and creepy at the same time.

Is that not cute or what?! :D The baby's a chicken, and the stroller's a pretty egg. AWWWW. I guess the people are dressed like farmers? But THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT. IT'S THE BABY! AWUH.
This is just creepy. The baby looks's like..unnatural. The mom looks pretty though. But the baby..I think I'm scarred for life.. DX

AND THE WINNER!! :D Omygawd that's a seriously decked out it turn out to be some spoiled brat when it grows up. And now we know where it all started! But what a cute baby!! AWWUUUH. XD
Now that I wonder..what did the parents look like? o.o