Saturday, May 23, 2009

At a Party....

Hey guys. I'm at Kevin's Memorial Day/random with Michelle, Kevin, and Karen. They're answering that freakish quiz thing with like, 57 questions.

Anyways, my butt's gonna fall off the chair.

Anyways, at the party me and Michelle and Karen got bored, so we became "spies" and we were like doing knee-ups...and were like, slinking around (not in a slutty way).....It was funny.


AAAAAnyways, Michelle's like, singing an opera version of the Ninja Glare next to's kinda freaky. 

I have a piano recital tomorrow!!! And I practiced the wrong song this whole week!! I AM SOOO NOT READY!!!

Kevin's showing us pics from his webcam, and he has this thing where you can deform the faces.....IT'S AWESOME!!!! (But it makes us look retarded/dropped into a tank of toxic waste.

Ok. I'ma go now.....bored...bye.


Anyways, bye. heh.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Atlanta - Day 2

So we get a wake up call in the morning at like...I don't know, but very early...Joyce was kicked off the bed repeated times by Lil' Michelle, and all of us had the startings of a minor cold because we put the temperature at 72.5 degrees F...and we weren't very good with sharing the blankets equally...

Well, I dragged everyone up....and when everyone was done, I was like, SO EXHAUSTED, 'cause they wouldn't get up!! And then Joyce and Michelle (Lu) tried to make coffee, and in the attempt they dropped a sugar packet in there, and Joyce got WHITE cream on her BLACK performance dress...yeah.

And you know what? The only reason they're making the coffee in the first place is because: Joyce "needs" Starbucks, and Michelle wants to taste it.

So after we went to breakfast and everything, we dressed for the performance. Then we went to the 47th floor, which was kinda scary, but REALLY HIGH. (It was the highest floor!!) I was like, "I think I'm ready for the roller coasters at Fiesta!!" (Which is so ironic, since I'm not going this year.)

Well, then we rehearsed and performed...I thought we did ok, but everyone was like "MAN, WE SUCKED!!"

Then we changed back to regular clothing and met up with everyone at the lobby, but we were kinda late, so we had to like, rush, and then we like, ditched Michelle, so she was like, still on our regular floor looking for us...HAHA.

We went to Pitty Pat's Porch for lunch, and it felt like dinner, though, because we were all so TIREEED. (By the way, I remember we woke up at 6..WHICH IS 5 HERE!!!!)

Later we went to the aquarium, and I was all excited, you know, because it was famous and everything...but i don't think it was better than the one here....Maybe because there were too many people...and it was kinda boring.

While there, we watched "Deepo's Deep - Sea Adventure". It's about keeping the oceans clean...0.o. BUT THE SCARIEST PART IS THAT DEEPO IS THE WORST NEMO WANNABE EVER!!!

For dinner we went to Benihana, and the chef kept on thinking that I was a vegetarian JUST BECAUSE I ORDERED A VEGETARIAN MEAL!!! WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM?!?!?! HE WOULDN'T EVEN GIVE ME SHRIMP!! I mean, I understand it in ROHAN'S case, but he should at least ASK before he decides to NOT GIVE ME ANY SHRIMP!!

Also, I was having digestive problems...heh.

ANYWAYS, then we went to the Sundial, which is like, this SUPER TALL building, and there's windows everywhere, and you can see downtown Atlanta. There's also a rotating restaurant, like the one in China's Pearl Tower. Well, I got three good pictures of the BEAUTIFUL night sight, but then my CAMERA BATTERY RAN OUT!! RRG!!

FINALLY we went back to our hotel room, and then I was all ready to sleep, and JOYCE TURNS ON THE TV!!! AND NONE OF THEM WERE TIRED, THANKS TO THE CAFFEINE FROM THE COFFEE!!!! >.<