Wednesday, March 24, 2010


What ho! :D Thanks for reading,'s so much better with YOOOUU (CRANK THAT SOULJABOY! :D)

Anyways, the awkward greeting above is from today's Shakespeare thing, which was HILARIOUS. The guy telling us about it was perverted, which is pretty much the only thing that can crack up kids these days. He also made some references to corrupted people these days, like...Arnold Schwarzeneggar.. (did I spell that right?) and Tiger Woods. But that's another story that I won't tell you. :P

ANYWAY. I don't know why, but I started thinking about symbolism one random night. SYMBOLISM, OF ALL THINGS. AN ELA TERM!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! (No offense to ELA freaks and teachers, of course.) But I started thinking about like, symbols of God, and FORESHADOWING,

And then I thought about the EARTH, and though about SUNSETS. Now that was a weird one, 'cause I usually don't think about such...oldy dark thoughts, you know? But I had a sudden EPIPHANY. To me, a sunset means...I can't really explain it. They're just really pretty in a sorta sad way, but...kind of like..hope and regrets molded into this one fiery ball? lol.

Like...sunsets to me symbolize the end...of a day, or a year...But it's still burning bright, so it's like...don't worry, whatever mistakes you did wrong today, you'll fix tomorrow. And then you're just looking at that beautiful sight, and you...without knowing it, you reflect on your...adventures? 0.o I dunno, life. But you always have that lil bitty piece of sadness in your heart, and then you still smile with that sad look in your eyes, and the sun's just like, "You screwed up. But you still have a chance to fix things."

I'm just saying like...a lot of people want to give up sometime during their life, and to me, when I see that sunset, I have strength to keep on living, ya know? And face the obstacles life throws at you, and still have energy to pray to God. To still have hope.

Sorry for turning this all emotional, but recently there's been lots of news of suicidal girls and college students in New York jumping off bridges and 10 year olds getting married and divorced (don't ask me where I got all this news: MSN. :P), and I know, if life keeps on going this way, maybe 2012 WILL happen.

So I, Jenny, with my little corner of the big world and my blog and computer, try to spread some cheer. *AZN SMILE WITH PEACE!* Keep on living, peeps. You never know when you'll be happy again. (And I assure you it WILL happen.)

There's always a special someone out their for you, and I haven't experienced it myself yet, but...People say it's the best feeling in the world when you smile, and someone smiles BECAUSE you smiled. :) Now that's cute.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Ask Jenny - Dating Confused

Dear Jenny,
I danced with a guy friend at the last formal. At the most recent dance, I went with someone else. Now, my guy friend thinks I'm cheating on him, but we were never together!

Wow...well, it's obvious that this guy likes you, since he so desperately wants to be together. However, don't bend yourself over backwards just to be what he likes; if you don't want to be with him like THAT, then tell him...but don't make it too blunt. Just be like..."I love you as a friend." It'd hurt, but it's better than you trying to avoid him because he thinks you guys are together.

Also, this guy is jumping to conclusions reaally fast...I'm guessing he's new to the dating thing? But he HAS to know that 1 dance does not equal a couple...I mean, unless you both want it to. Which obviously isn't the case. So maybe tell him like, after school, or somewhere, that you're sorry he's really confused and all, but you guys are still the bestest of friends. :) At least he'll be close to you still, and the whole friendship thing isn't ruined.

[would appreciate it if more questions were sent in :)]

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Chapter 1

Just a little introductory note: I had a random burst of creativity, so I wrote down a chapter and sort of got an idea for a new story. :) (Which I will try not to quit, but you never know...) Anyways, I'm not gonna tell you what it's about this time. Just read and find out...that's what you do with a normal book, anyways. :P

The school bell rang and I headed to my usual spot to eat lunch: the last stairwell in the school. No one ever uses it because the only things that it leads to are the janitors' closet and breakroom. And they don't have the authority to put me in's not like I bother them. Most of the time I'm the only one here. Only 1 other student in the whole school knows about this place.

I looked out the window; it was so sunny outside. A squirrel was resting on the tree branch; I smiled sadly. So many bittersweet memories flooded in my mind. Was it really only a year ago?

I wasn't the only one involved in that event. Many of my friends experienced it - the terror, the guilt...but I think I'm the only one who had some glimpses of happiness.

Either way, we're all safe now, I thought, shaking my head. I shouldn't ruin such a bright day! Don't think gloomy thoughts, Jessie. Be happy with what you have.

Currently I'm a freshman at Belkins HS, home of the Beavers. A few years ago we were the Bulls, but some girls complained because they thought the school's mascot implied they were fat. Either way, it doesn't affect me. Pursing my lips in thought, I picked at a loose thread on my Orchestra shirt.

A shadow seemed to blanket me. It was probably just a cloud passing by the sun, but it made me shiver.

:) Thanks for visiting, reading, etc. I'm not putting anyone I know into this story so as to avoid hurt feelings...I'm not even in it. :) So this thing is really unrelated to us, but related at the same time. Does that make sense? :P

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Today I just read an article about these two girls in Pennsylvania who made a pact to suicide together....So they hugged each other and died together by getting hit by one of those top-speed trains.

There were 3 girls who made the suicide pact, but one chickened out at the end. And now her two best friends are dead, so....i feel really sorry for her.

I feel really sorry for EVERYONE, actually. All the people that knew these two dead girls are probably crying their hearts out because...well, 1. they're dead, and 2. these girls PLANNED IT. TOGETHER. And no one could stop them!

The article said that judging by their texts, they were planning what days to cut class and go to the railroad track...And they obviously had to plan it, since the track was 2 miles away and they walked there, and just as they got there the train was coming.

I think that's really sad..I mean, one was going to turn 16 like the next week, and they were both really popular and pretty..what on earth would make them want to kill themselves?

However, I also think it's really selfish of them to kill themselves when they have a lot of stuff other girls don't. People are jealous of them, but most of all, people love them. Like their parents. And friends. And siblings.

You know, their death doesn't affect only themselves. If they're seriously in depression, they should go get a counselor or something. Or at least talk to someone that could help. Because their dying really hurts everyone else, and even though they've escaped life and its pains and stuff, the other people haven't. In fact, those girls just gave everyone else that they knew MORE pain in life.

I'm sorry for sounding so blunt and feeling-less, but...I dunno if it's just me, but I think that...even if you see no more point in life anymore, you should still try to live and smile each day. Because other people are counting on you. And letting them down, on top of you dying, is like...getting stabbed and then killed, and then brought back alive to get stabbed and killed again.

So therefore, you should always have some sort of hope for the future. It's almost impossible for that to be extinguished..and even if you have no hope for yourself, you can always have hope for others.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Internet Chatting

Hola amigos! :D Just before I start my topic, I just wanted to say, THIS IS MY 102ND POST! :D This blog has passed the 100 posts mark! So thanks guys, for supporting me all this way; I couldn't have gotten this far without you...ok, maybe I could've, but it would've been really boring. :P So thanks.

Ok. So about 2 weeks ago I realized that on the internet, chatting is like, super opposite. Like, the people that always ignore you in real life are really SUPER EASY to talk to like, on Gmail, or Facebook, or whatever, and you seem to be super cool life long buddies! Yaay..

But the people who are your actual really close friends in real life are really hard to talk to on the internet. For me, they're always preoccupied, or we just have nothing to talk about. Same with emails.

And long lost friends! Like, people that I were really close with in elementary, and then I moved, I don't even talk to anymore. Other than like.....a few messages on Facebook to wish them happy holidays, or whatever, and then sometimes we can keep emails going for a month. But then we just give up or something and start ignoring each other. :( It's sad but I can't do anything about it.

I just think that's really ironic...The people who don't have the nerve or think that they're just too good for you and don't talk or even look at you during the day (or just don't notice you) are your new best friends on the internet...I think it has something to do with looking at my face. D:

And then your super super close friends know that you love them no matter what, so they don't have to talk to you all the time, lol.

Then those long lost friends....well, we can't keep conversations going anymore. It just gets really awkward, since our lives are so different, and we think totally different now.

But there's STILL those people that you aren't SUPER close with, but you're still friends, and you can talk to them anytime. :) That's cool. It's like...a mutual relationship.

So: moral/theme of this whole post - real friends are never going to be made on the internet. You guys have to love each other on and off screen, and the most important times you'll spend together are offline. Not like..."OMG! Yay, blackdemon_22454, you're my new best friend! We defeated an ogre together! :D". NO NERDS, NO NO NO. YOU NEED TO GET OUT MORE AND REALIZE THAT 1. OGRES DON'T EXIST IN NORMAL LIFE, AND 2. PEOPLE DON'T HAVE THOSE NAMES IN REAL LIFE, EITHER.

In the end, no matter how cool these technological things are, they'll never beat those eternal things like friendship, love, etc. (That's why these online dating things aren't the best, either.)