Monday, March 15, 2010

Ask Jenny - Dating Confused

Dear Jenny,
I danced with a guy friend at the last formal. At the most recent dance, I went with someone else. Now, my guy friend thinks I'm cheating on him, but we were never together!

Wow...well, it's obvious that this guy likes you, since he so desperately wants to be together. However, don't bend yourself over backwards just to be what he likes; if you don't want to be with him like THAT, then tell him...but don't make it too blunt. Just be like..."I love you as a friend." It'd hurt, but it's better than you trying to avoid him because he thinks you guys are together.

Also, this guy is jumping to conclusions reaally fast...I'm guessing he's new to the dating thing? But he HAS to know that 1 dance does not equal a couple...I mean, unless you both want it to. Which obviously isn't the case. So maybe tell him like, after school, or somewhere, that you're sorry he's really confused and all, but you guys are still the bestest of friends. :) At least he'll be close to you still, and the whole friendship thing isn't ruined.

[would appreciate it if more questions were sent in :)]


Alex said...

how do you send in a question or whatever lol

Jenny said...
