Sunday, January 25, 2009

Just Venting...again.

If you were in my ELA class, then you probably remember when Mr. Permenter made me read my "interesting story", and I read about Joseph and Rohan, and they're little pinching belly button incident. For those of you that DON'T know, too bad. was funny....

Anyways....I wanna vent, cause im feeling really stressed right now, with Science Fair and bookshare. I'm reading The Westing Game, and it doesn't really make sense. It's like, this really rich guy dies, and he just leaves all his money for these people. But they like, have to play a game to win it. So families are turning on each other and stuff...and they're setting off bombs, and there's this girl name Turtle. Yeah, I'm kinda confused.

Also, now that my dance recital is over, we now have to get ready for the freaking test. So I have this one dance, and it's supposed to be all naturey, so we're like....looking at the "flowers" on the "ground", then we see the freaking "stream", and we move our head up to the "mountains", and then all of a sudden we whip our heads to the right and we're all like BIRD!!!! I'm serious; whoever made up this dance has serious attention disorder.....

Yeah.....Cassie gets to watch TV while I HAVE TO DO SCIENCE FAIR!!! AND SHE HAS A PENGUIN PROJECT DUE TWO DAYS BEFORE MINE! So why does she get to watch TV?!!?!?!?! HUH?!?!?!?

Not that there's anything good on TV at this time.

But still.....


Sigh....I'm so tired.... Parents and teachers -adults- obviously don't understand the pressure that kids go through...yeah well...they TALK about it, but WHAT DOES TALKING DO?!?!? YOU GOTTA ACT!!!! I think penicillin and NHD is getting to me.

So...obviously today's venting isn't making me feel better...this is like, the first time that's happened....well...out of like, 5. Sigh. I'm such a nobody, on the windshield of life. (I'm so poetic!)

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Now that I look back on my last few posts, I sound really childish. And stupid. I can't believe I would slap Joseph and MISS. For 5 DOLLARS! Even though I still haven't gotten it, though...

Anyways, also my latest post, the Jennyopolis one, that sounds REALLY STUPID. Because who would have extra time to work on such a freaking thing like that?! And like, who would help me, for real? Not even Michelle would, what with her being grounded and then her SAT homework and whatnot.

So I think I should talk about meaningful things on my blog. Like maybe, about school or whatever.

But there's nothing about school that's worth talking about on a blog as awesome as this. So exams are next week. WE DON'T WANT TO BE REMINDED ABOUT THAT! And then there's no sectionals this week. But some of us aren't in symphony, and they'll just think that I am bragging. (Even though when you are being modest, technically you're bragging, too.)

So then should I talk about my daily life? That's kinda what I'm doing, and it's already sounding stupid.

Then maybe I should talk about my extracurriculars. Like for my solo, I'm playing Concerto in A minor, 1st movement, which is like, Suzuki Bk. 4. (Which is kinda embarassing, but my teacher helped me with symphony stuff most of this year. So you gotta say, I'm improving.)

Or how about for dancing this year, I got a solo? Like anyone would care....none of you guys came! (Even though I had no tickets to spare...)

Or maybe, for piano, I'm taking practice World of Music and Theory tests today. OH WHAT JOY!! (That makes me sound deranged....)

So maybe I should just blab on and on about random I think I'll talk about something that happened last year (6th grade).

So remember when Michelle, Claudia, and maybe Becca (I don't remember) just decided to randomly give people their journals if they answered some freaking question right? No offense (this is solely only my opinion, it doesn't make me biased on you guys...) but I don't think you should have done that. I THINK THAT IS A FREAKING STUPID THING TO DO...(again, this is only my opinion...don't take it to heart.) See, this is my reasoning. So first of all, all of the asain boys started stealing it, and you guys were getting all mad at them. But I don't think it's their fault (this is the first time I defended them! :O), because you should've known that would've happened. I mean, you've been with them longer than I have, and I even knew that would happen.

2nd of all, of course people would get mad, because even though they got the freaking question right, they still didn't get to read the journal, because they weren't first. This makes them feel that the person that you let read your diary/journal is more liked than them. Which could be true, but you don't TELL THEM that!

Then of course, why would you even bring it to school in the first place if it was PRIVATE?! And you say it isn't, blah blah blah, but if it isn't, then why don't you just write on the school's white boards for everyone to read? (Just kidding! hehehe........but seriously.)

So yeah....that's kinda my opinion on that from last year....

So now I think I'm gonna talk about science.



*Sigh*. So much for not writing about stupid stuff......

Friday, January 2, 2009


Hey guys. Remember last year when I was at my I AM SO AWESOME YOU ARE NOT!!!! super high stage, and I kept on talking about Jennyopolis? (Maybe some of you don't know about this, but I'm pretty sure my close buddies do.......aka Michelle, Helen, maybe Yanan, I don't know.....)

But anyways, I would like to create my planet Jennyopolis here. However, I don't really know how to like, make pictures and do stuff like that.....and I'm not that great with I would like some help. Any of you got any ideas??

Anyways, the planet name is Jennyopolis. And the ruler is ME!!! Don't worry, I'll make acceptable laws, and it will be pleasant for almost everyone. (I said ALMOST everyone.....the criminals won't be so happy.)

So, if you have any free time, please gimme some ideas. Thanks!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

My 2009 New Year's Resolutions

Hi guys. I don't know if you ever do resolutions, but I try to.......however, I forget about them by February. So this year I will try to remember them on my blog. Here are my 2009 NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS!!

1. To try and be a better big sister to Cassie.
2. To practice more instruments.
3. To try and get more flexible.
4. To not procrastinate as much (especially on like, NHD and stuff).
6. To get at least 6th chair for Atlanta.
7. To try not to lose my temper.
8. To be a better friend.

Those are my 2009 NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS!!!!