Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Different Sides of Jenny

Heya! Awesome Jenny here. Just gonna vent for a while before I try out my new idea.
Sooooo I got 10TH CHAIR FOR THE CONCERT!!! AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! I SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, I got a 100 on my Stargirl quiz. Sucks for all you other people!!! HAHA.
And Twilight's trailer is SOOOOOOO COOOOOOOL!!!!!!!! Except for the actors... Jake actually looks better than Edward, which is completely wrong. EDWARD IS HER PERFECT MAN. HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE PRETTY. NOT HER FRIEND. EDWARD LOOKS SO FREAKING EVIL!!! But I'm really looking forward to the ballroom dance thingy scene, where he fights with the evil vampire. Man, I wish they would play the part where he dies, so all the bitterness can end. :)
Ok, so on to my title. I had this weird sudden idea that I should portray my other sides of Jenny instead of just the AWESOME one. Like, I have lots of different personalities, but the AWESOME one just covers them all up. So.... I think on my upcoming posts, I should just be a different Jenny each time until I can't think of anything else. That would be cool.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Slapping Didn't Work.

Remember how I told you about slapping Joseph and getting 5 dollars? Yeah well, I DIDN'T GET IT! I slapped Joseph on the face today in ELA, and then MICHELLE TOLD ME THAT ALEX BACKED OUT!!!!!
And when I slapped him, I missed. Like, I was supposed to hit his cheek, but he kinda moved his head, so I hit his temple. And then his glasses got all askew. Then he covered his face with his jacket, and I thought I messed up his eye. I was really scared. I didn't mean to hurt him....
But then he burst out laughing. And then I realized he was trying to scare me. I was relieved, but seriously. It's not nice.
Oh well. I can always guilt Alex into doing something for me for not paying the 5 dollars.


I am a failure in life. I still am flummoxed by how I got into Symphony in the first place. Not that I want to drop out or get dropped out or anything, but that was just too much.
And I was actually doing pretty good! I get 5th chair, then 4th chair. I was ON A ROLL!! But then, I don't know. I guess it was nerves.
See, Ms. Victor made us play "Fire Dance", and I tried my best, but she made us play the hard part. And then right when I was supposed to play, I realized that I'd been practicing with a wrong note. And then by shadow-bowing I corrected it, but I was really nervous so my coordination sucked, and then I screwed up really bad. :(
AND THEN I GOT 10TH CHAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<
So, for the concert, I'm stuck behind all these tall people, and I'm in the 3rd row, right in the middle-back. So no one can see me. THIS SUCKS.
But....I guess it's ok, because if I mess up, then no one can see me mess up. I can be up there talking and no one would notice. Except for Ms. Victor. And if she saw me, she'd give me a bad grade. So I don't think I will.
I'm good.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Michelle, you are a really sad friend. And I mean it. What kind of a friend asks -well, dares- their friend-ex-to ask a TRUE FRIEND OUT?! And I must admit I was amused, but seriously. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!
See, for those of you that DON'T know, Michelle dared Joseph to ask me out. So when I was walking to the Orchestra room after class, he was all: "Hey baby, wanna go out?". It would've scared me, if I hadn't already known about it, thanks to Gary.
And then today at lunch, Alex told me he would pay me 5 dollars if I slapped Joseph in the face for what he did. }:)
So you better watch out Joseph, because I will strike when you LEAST EXPECT IT. And I WANT MY 5 DOLLARS!! Sucks for you! haha! }:)