Friday, November 20, 2009

LOL disses from Alex.

Hi guys! I've recently compiled a lot of disses from Alex, and I want to use them, but I never find the right situation!! So here they are:

"EW what's that on your neck?! Oh, that's your face." XDDD love that one.

Girl: I'm ugly!!
Me: aww don't worry. My prettiness makes up for it. (HAHAHAHA)

Yo momma's so fat she saw a schoolbus and yelled "TWINKY!!" (lol, remember this Alex?? Soo sixth grade).

*OMG, ok this is my own!!*
So there's like a fight or whatever, and someone disses you, and then you go
"Oh yeah? Well, everyone looks at you just to make themselves feel better." XD

lol that's all i can think of. but i had a sudden epiphany, and i wanted to do this. :)

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