Monday, January 25, 2010

January, gratitude, and everything else

Gah. Ok, so how's life for you guys? :P

First, thanks to Alex, Michelle, and any unknown readers who never comment and sometimes possibly vote on this blog. :) You give me motivation for actually going on this thing and blogging.

Next, well, as you all know, January is the worst month in all of middle school years. D: Well, it is for me, because I procrastinate. Experimental Design was due on Jan. 8, then Science fair was due Jan. 15, then NHD was due Jan. 21!! And then there were a bunch of random tests and quizzes and other stuff to do.

Well, ok, so I technically shouldn't be stressed because I had a bunch of time to do all this stuff (including winter break), so therefore..I could've finished everything in those days that I have off.

BUT I HAVE A PERFECTLY GOOD EXCUSE. See, I was at my grandparents' house for those two weeks, and therefore all I could do there was Science Fair and build those freaking bridges. And now my poster is all pretty, but it's somewhere in the school, because after Science Fair was over, I never picked it now I have no clue where my poster is.

Ok, and I finished NHD the night before it was due. :) Like, literally...I did 2/3 of my paper plus the bibliography the NIGHT BEFORE. And I guess it wasn't too hard, the quality just isn't as good...

But of course, I still had MY PARENTS YELLING AT ME TO GO TO SLEEP AND ACCUSING ME OF GETTING DISTRACTED WHEN I WAS ACTUALLY WAITING FOR ALL MY PAGES TO BE PRINTED. Like, dude. It wasn't even midnight. It was just 11. No one needs to sleep that early!!

And actually, everyone could've fallen asleep perfectly fine, if it wasn't for my dad who came downstairs and TURNED ON ALL THE LIGHTS AND YELLED AT ME, WAKING UP MY SISTER.

And when I finally dragged my butt upstairs, HE goes back with my mom to WATCH COMPUTER. So they weren't even sleeping in the first place! STUPID.

Damn my family's messed up...but I still have to love them, or else...that's just ungrateful.

OMG! XD epiphany!! I realized a week ago that...if you always have a sucky outlook on life, then you'll never be happy. Just be happy with what you get. Because..if you're always looking on "the other side of the fence, and how the grass is greener there", then you'll never notice how green the grass you're standing on is, and the pretty little flowers and the clouds above it.

So therefore, be happy with what you get, and don't complain, because no one cares about you and your ass, 'cause they're all worrying about their own shitty lives.

Gah, sorry, had to release some steam. Anyways...I just wanted to happy, January sucks, and thanks for my readers - though very few - and kind of not really supporting me. :) Hope you have a great day! 'cause mine's completely fucked. XD