Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day, Braces...

Hey guys, sup. Wasting my life again.

Well, I got my top braces today, they hurt...and we don't have Tylenol at home. :( Of course, even if we did, I still wouldn't take it. One, wouldn't that make me like, a wussy? I mean, you know, you gotta LIVE in the moment, right? What kind of weak person takes Tylenol when they can experience PAAAIN? }:D Ok, and second, I'm afraid I'll overdose. Psh, you know, this is the REAL world, whaddya expect?

Kk also, I skipped lunch today. :( I'm so ortho appt. was at 1, and i have lunch at 12:35ish...sadly, I ate food at 3:30 with throbbing teeth. My food consisted of 5 breadsticks. Does your life suck? WELL MINE'S WORSE.

Haha jk...I know I have it way better than lots of people in this world, sorry for acting so selfish, blah blah blah.

OHMYGAWD you know what? Today's Earth Day!! It's so effin stupid. I mean, us humans are so hypocritical. (And yes, I'm including myself, too.) We have this whole day devoted to Earth, and "saving it", and while we talk about this, people still litter, and throw candy rappers on the floor (wait isn't that littering? hmm...), and not recycle, and DON'T EVEN SHOW THEIR APPRECIATION BY WEARING EARTHY COLORS (blue, green, brown). It's retarded.

And plus, yeah, I guess raising awareness for the Earth is good and all, but we really shouldn't be focusing only 1 day on the Earth, we should be using our WHOLE LIVES to try and save it. I didn't realize how screwy we actually treated the Earth until like...pretty much last year on TV, and this year during Science. It's just so sad. You'd think since we live on this planet, we'd want to survive a bit longer on it, but I'm guessing our goal is to build a mini-mall on the moon and live there or something.

Of course, there's also the fact that the Earth probably won't explode in our lifetime, so the way we're thinking is, "Oh, well, let's let our kids deal with it. We'll be dead by then, anyways." That's just like us humans, selfish as always...

Funny how history has a way of repeating itself, hm? Watch us be (hopefully) up in heaven, and seeing the Earth remade all over again.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Lol funny quote

"Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it."

So realistic, though kinda gross...but at least we know now the author of this quote picks his nose! :D

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hola guys. I read this post on Alex's blog, and I realized how alike we think. :P

But first, some person (Alex) mentioned how I always changed my blog layout, but I have a REASON for it. Well, 2. The first one (the shallow one) is that, well...Blogger just updated their layout designer thing, and I wanted to try them all out! So every like...few weeks, I find a coolio one to replace the other one that I've gotten bored with. :P

OK but like the second reason is...I decided I needa start CHANGING stuff, ya know? It's like... I dunno. Change is a part of life. Of course, if it happens too much, then that sucks...but still..without it, life gets...drab and gray.

It's like God meant for there to be change in the world. There's different weather every day, the seasons change, there's day and night, different animals, different type of people, and on and on. What makes us different is what keeps us together. :) Isn't that cool?

Ok, well, maybe not. But..even if you can't see the change in the world, you can experience it. I'ma talk about myself for the rest of this post, sorry for being "self - centered" or whatever. But I see most changes in myself, so it's easier for me to describe.

In any random order, a change in me would be my taste in music. Lol when I was like, 4, I would still sing in the car, but I'd listen to 99.1 (which is like slow love songs for adults), and I'd get half the words wrong and not understand what's coming out of my mouth. Then in elementary school I started listening to 96.5, because I thought it was "more modern", but really it's just like...some songs were modern, and others were oldies, but the beats in the those songs were really strong. Eventually my parents got "headaches", so I was forced to find a new station. :) Which is what I listen to now, 104.1 KRBE. I like their music, it's like...everything mashed together and played a lot so I can memorize the words. But it's not played TOO much that i get sick of the songs.

My point is, before I liked slow songs, and now it's fast beated dance music. :) But slow songs are cool, too. It depends on the rhythm.

Also, I've changed in school. Before I wouldn't procrastinate AT ALL, and I'd start studying like...3 or 4 days before the test/quiz, but now it's like the night before. :P Plus I've gotten less focused, I think, and though i occasionally freak out about school, I'm much more laid back, if I say so myself.

My personality's also changed. According to my parents, I went from "quiet to wild." In my opinion, I've just gotten meaner. In other words, I've seen the "real world", and now I'm practicing to get ready for living in it.

You know what's also changed? MY SELF ESTEEM. I used to be this super unconfident scared little girl, but now i'm all like I'M AWESOME. Of course, I'm still unconfident on the inside, but I try not to show'd just seem like I'm fishing for compliments. Which annoys me, in case you don't know.

The way I think has also changed. When I was little, the preppy people = rich whites who dress prettily. And I'd think like, "One day I'll be way better than them, and I'll get a good job, and be smarter." And I dressed like the fobiest kid ever, with my little bowl cut. Lol.

And now I actually have a screwed up hairstyle (which is getting better), and try to dress ok - ish. I don't care about clothes as much as I probably could, but... :) let's just say this much: I like going to the mall and shopping now. If I saw myself saying that before, I'd be horrified, lol.

The way I talk has changed DRASTICALLY. I'd have like, words to say when I make mistakes, but they've changed from "darn it" to "dang it" to "crap" to "crud" to "shit" to "dammit." (which is what i say now, though I try to watch my language.)

Speaking of language, I have gotten SO PERVERTED these past 2 years. In 6th grade I was SO INNOCENT, 7th was a bit worse, but...I still didn't think the way I do now. Who knew the world's so dark, and there's so many slang words for all those...bad things people do?

A major thing is the way I feel now? Lol that's awkward. But like...shortly put, guys used to be "gross" and have "germs/cooties", and they were "stupid", but now they're great friends. (Ok, if you can't get the subliminal message behind that, then you seriously have no calling in life. no offense.)

Yeah, well, i'ma go now. Point of this super long waste of life post is, change is a part of life. Deal with it. XD

Monday, April 12, 2010


Before I start: got an important question wanting your thoughts on it at the bottom of this post! Please leave a comment and answer, gracias.

Anyways...Hi guys. I should be studying for my Spanish quiz, but as we all know, I'm gonna do that later. :P After I finish this post. I promise, with all my...nah, no guarantees there.

So. First topic: Alex is re - typing on his blog! He kinda like abandoned it, but then he went back and picked it up and started using it again. So yay for Alex! :D He's not wasting internet anymore! Of course, he has like...2 abandoned blogs, but let's not mention that. visit his blog, the url is

Ok, next topic. PROCRASTINATION!! Don't you guys just love it? It's a super long over - complicated fatty word to describe what Asians (and many other people our age) love to do. For those of you INNOCENT and IGNORANT people out there, the def of procrastination is:

Procrastination: wasting your life by putting off stuff to do later. :)

It's so funny how so many of my friends procrastinate. And they're SO GOOD AT IT, TOO! I'm not sure if that's a good thing, but they sure do know how to waste their lives and stay up super late. (No offense, guys. I <3 you!)

OMG A NOTICE!! Like you know how a long time ago we'd receive emails with like "Name 8 people, who would die first, who would be the leader, who'd go find food, blah blah. Who would be this person's boyfriend, what would you do if you were stuck in a closet with THIS guy, blaah." Do you know where I can find some? Or can you like, email me some? I wanna put some of my answers on my blog. :) And I liked actually filling those was fun! I tried looking for those surveys up on Google, but I couldn't find the kinds that I wanted. Could you guys please help find?

Or you know what? If you want, you could just email me a blank one, or..and filled out version of your's, and maybe I could post your's up here, too? IF YOU WANT. You don't HAVE to. :) I just wanted to post some of them up. GRACIAS!!

OOH AND BEFORE i GOO. I have like..a question for you guys. An INTERESTING question. Please leave a comment and answer it!! :D

Would you rather die of STDs/AIDs, or high blood pressure?

I hope none of us die at this age, especially by any of these problems, but...apparently guys and girls have really different outlooks on this, and since I heard it at school, i thought it'd be interesting to hear what you guys thought about it. PLEASE ANSWER/LEAVE A COMMENT! :D

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Quarter Year Apologies

Heey guys. I have some free time today, and I realized that I've done a lot of wrong things this whole 2010 year. So...almost 1/4 of it's gone, and I think it's time that I repent.

GOD: I'm sorry for being so sinful this year (so's gonna change, I promise), and sometimes forgetting to pray to you. (>.< oops) But again, thanks for seeing me through all the hardships in life so far, me something to believe in. :D What would I ever do without you? (Oh, wait..I know. Sink into depression and wither away like flowers in winter.) Hehe that was a bit dark. But thanks, anyways..for watching over me and forgiving me. :)

Michelle: Sup bud? Hmm...I'm really sorry for freaking out about school and stuff. I can't really help it, I mean...if I don't do good in school, and since I pretty much fail at about everything else, wouldn't I just turn into some loner Asian on the street? So, yeah, thanks for putting up with me... And though I get annoying sometimes, I want you to know that it's MOSTLY not on purpose. :P No, I'm serious. Most of the time I can't help it. Also, apologies for making fun of you and poking you and all that other stuff...thanks for sticking by me and being a great friend I can lean on (on certain days, at least). But I mean...I can't expect you to be nice EVERY day. :P So gracias for all your love, and please appreciate mine. :)

Yanan: Hola Yanan. :) Thanks for being there for me, (especially during 7th period and spanish!), and making me laugh. :) We're getting abs together. lol. Also, sorry for being stupid sometimes, my mind goes kinda slow on random days. Yeah...luv ya, thanks for the good times, and keep them coming! :D

Helen: Hii helen. Lo siento for complaining to you sometimes...I know you didn't mean it THAT much when you told other people you didn't really know well stuff that you kinda kept from me..that hurt a bit. But it's ok. Sorry for bagging on you about that...forgive me? :] Also, thanks for...being a good friend? OH. And that big fatty chocolate bar for Valentine's Day. :) Now THAT was pure delight.

Mary: AWESOMO AMIGO!! :D Thanks for giving me boosts of self - confidence. :P And many many many good memories of laughing. Also, please forgive me for...I dunno...annoying you sometimes? If I ever do..I'm pretty sure it happened once, so...OH. I know. Sorry for just being there when you wanna tell a secret to Michelle or Helen, and I'm just there 'cause i got nowhere else to go. :] Please forgive me? And btw, thanks for awakening me to the wonders of food. XD

Ann: Lol hi Ann. This is like, the 1st year I really actually got close with you and talking to you. Thanks for making me neater and...telling me stuff about school. Sorry for making you perverted, please try not to make Rachel. Also, i know sometimes you got mad at me, I hope you're over that, sorry for whatever I did to anger you...but other than that, thanks for being another great friend.

Gary: Haha hi Gary. :) Sorry for being such an annoying person...just deal with me? But you have to admit, I AM a good friend. :) And at least I don't make FUN of you as much as SOME PEOPLE. COUGH COUGH MICHELLE HELEN COUGH COUGH. And sorry for being such a wuss...apologizing's in my nature, deal with it. Also, heh...sorry for teasing you about Claudia. I can't resist. :PP Ooh. And sorry for lecturing you about your health. Can't help it. (But seriously, getting more sleep will help you A LOT.) XD jkjk. Yeah...thanks for being a great friend, and letting me smile and laugh at you without hating me. Plus you brighten my days, especially in Algebra where I can freeload candy off of you. :D I know there's awkward moments, but please stay a great friend for...I dunno. As long as you can. :) Keep on making me smile!

Alex: Yo. :) (I tried to be cool. Did it work?) Anyways, I'm REALLY sorry for..doing whatever I did to make you hate me. I seriously don't know. Maybe if you told me, I could change it? Also, sorry for sometimes saying things I don't mean, like...well, I don't remember, but if you can't remember either, just remember that for the future. Also, it's cool with you being my stand partner, so KEEP ON DOING GOOD AT VIOLIN. And sorry for always saying you cuss too much. I just don't like it when...we dirty other people's minds, you know? Believe it or not, there's still NOT perverted people in this world... Also, I hope you feel better, with your cold, or whatever. And sometimes you have super huge bags under your eyes, so get some more sleep! And try not to hate on me. I know it's hard... but thanks for the laughs. :)

Rohan: haha first time I ever wrote about YOU in here. Sorry for dissing you in PE, and other times, and that one time I punched you in the stomach. Don't ever scare me like that again. Yeah...thanks for letting me laugh at your stupidity. And sorry for trying to get you off calculators. It's like..your personal drug. :( you should maybe get like...calculator supplements, like they have nicotine ones for smokers. :P Anyways, have fun with life, deal with my disses, accept my apologies, and be honored you were mentioned in this blog. :]

Joseph: Yeah, I'm gonna go back in time for a while. Sorry for being such a bitch to you in 6th grade, I just really didn't like you. 7th grade was better, this year sucks again. Sorry for whatever I did to you to make you IGNORE me, and give me the SILENT TREATMENT. Maybe it's awkward and whatever, but just so you know, I don't hate you. So..if you to me, I won't kill you or anything. But if you still don't want to, that's ok. :) I'll live. (Maybe just tell me what I did wrong?) OH. And also, thanks for the hat. It's so beast, I'll never be able to repay you for that. Well, like, I could in money, but..the thought that goes behind that...I didn't think anyone would ever get me one. :] so thanks very much for that, sorry about past...hateness, and I won't kill you. promise. (Not that I could even if I tried, but still. It's the thought that counts, right? :P)

Hmm...who else, who else... OH.

Kevin: Hey Kevin! Sorry for being kinda mean to you this were sorta mean to Michelle, so I guess I just got meaner towards you. :( forgive me? Also, hope you stay smart in computers, it'll help you a lot in life. :P

Mark: Heh sorry about forgetting you. Not that you'd care... Anyways, sorry for being so mean to you, especially involving food. It kinda annoys me when you freeload so much off of stupidly helpless people like helen and michelle (no offense, guys. I love you!). But that's ok, you're still a good friend inside, even though you might not seem like it, lol. Thanks for being nice and...sorry about that incident with my dad. But it does serve you right. :P AND stop poking Gary in the cheeks. It annoys the hell out of him, and watch him one day just snap and tackle you. Of course you'd like it, but... T_T. Well, thanks for being there...sorry for my attitude. :]

Yup, I think that's all so far. It's already a pretty significant amount..I really hope you guys read it, because it took me almost 40 minutes to do this. :) Keep on living and being happy guys. If not for yourselves, then at least for me. :) Gracias from all of my heart, soul, mind, body. Love you! (well, some people more than others, but let's not get into that. ;)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Wasting My Life...

ARGH I'm so bored...gonna write another post. :) First time I've ever done that? I think so.

So...I don't really have a huge point to make in this post, so I'm just gonna rant. About school, TAKS tests are next week! D: We got a workbook on Friday to review, since Algebra students didn't really go over everything the whole year. Of course, it's even worse for the Geometry people. :P Either way, I'm wasting my life, because I'm not reviewing for TAKS. :P Instead, I'm excercising my fingers by typing this post.

And while I'm at it, I'm using my mom's NEW COMPUTER! :D Her old one's totally jacked up and really slow, and since she kept on haulin it all over the house, she like...messed up the hard drive thing. Maybe dropped it once? So now she has a NEW black one, and it's totally fast and...high tech. I think it's Windows 7? But like, the whole bottom bar and settings and everything looks really high tech. More than mine, anyways. :P But I'm grateful for my computer. I love it just as much as I do...with...I dunno, the other stuff I love.

Today we also went to our new house, and just spent some time there. I have to admit it looks really great and all, but I still don't wanna leave my friends and the great environment here. Plus there's like...not that many kids MY age there. There's a bunch of kids CASSIE's, though...I think our neighbor has adopted like 11 kids or something. They're outside every day. There's also like...3 Chinese families around our street with kids my age (says my dad), but they never come out. Lol too busy with homework or something. :P

Haha that reminds me of Ms. Victor and when she was telling us about this song, "Spring Breezes." The story behind it is like, it's spring, and the girl's thinking about the guy, but "her parents won't let her see him, because she has to do homework." And yeah, I quoted Ms. Victor. Who's white. :) It's shows how us Azns are known for our skills at DESOCIALIZING OUR CHILDREN.

There are SO MANY things to hate about Asian parents. Some of the the worst are like, they embarrass you with their weird accents. Thankfully mine don't do that, they worked very hard to learn English, so I love them more for that. :D

But like, at parties, they always talk about their kids RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU. And compare to see which one's better, and usually when you get home, your parents have something new to make you do, so you can "excel above your peers."

Lol I'm like dissing my own race. To stop from going overboard (and to stop wasting precious moments of my life) I'm gonna go now. Thanks for reading and visiting ma blog. :)

Chapter 2

*few notes before I start:
  • there is a ch. 1. if you didn't read it, go search it up..
  • as said before, no one i know is in it, so as to avoid hurt feelings.
  • thanks for reading! :)

Usually Friday nights are for relaxing and just hanging out with friends and family. But of course there's exceptions.

And I was one of them. Last year, I spent some of my Fridays at Thomas High School, playing my violin with all the other exceptions. We were total Orch dorks.

Everyone there was middle schoolers gathered for Region. It's an event where all Orchestra students in the district auditioned to get into a Region Orchestra: Philharmonic was for sort of good people, and Symphony was for the best. After you get into an orchestra, you then compete with the people in your section to see where you sit for the concert.

Basically, you waste 2 whole weekends of your life seeing how good you are within the district. I was in Philharmonic... I wasn't the best, and I'm still not now. But I was proud, because I made Region. And that's all that mattered, right?

After we chair - tested, I got 3rd chair 1st violin, so I was pretty much in the front. The only thing that burst my bubble of happiness was who I was sitting by - this guy named Adrian Fu.

Adrian, I guess. He never talked to me, and if he did, they'd be 1 or 2 word answers. He went to my school (Belkins MS), so I kind of knew him, but every time I was around him I got the feeling that he's rather be alone. He was a LONER. *Hehe sorry Michelle had to put that in there. :)

You could even tell that when he was around his friends; he'd be with them, but...detached at the same time. It's a wonder how he even got friends, since he looked and acted so dark. But Adrian was never mean, just silent.

I should've known something was up when it actually snowed this year. Even though it was just lightly, it was a delight to know that we got to witness such weird weather that'll probably happen only 2 or 3 times this century. It was comparable to winning a raffle contest, or find a $20 bill on the ground.

Either way, this snow was like an introduction to a life - changing even for ALL of us Region students.

*again, thanks for reading, visiting, etc. comments and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism would be welcome, but not random cussing...please continue to visit the blog! :D