Thursday, July 29, 2010

Best Divorce Letter Ever!

Dear wife:

I’m writing you this letter to tell you that I’m leaving you forever. I’ve been a good man to you for 7 years and I have nothing to show for it.

These last 2 weeks have been hell.

Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today and that was the last straw. Last week, you came home and didn’t even notice I had a new haircut, had cooked your favorite meal and even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in 2 minutes, and went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don’t tell me you love me anymore; you don’t want sex or anything that connects us as husband and wife. Either you’re cheating on me or you don’t love me anymore; whatever the case, I’m gone.

Your EX-Husband

P.S. don’t try to find me. Your SISTER and I are moving away to West Virginia together! Have a great life!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Moi :D

Wow this is a cool countdown thingy.

1. I suck at emotional stuff.
2. I'm awesome. :D
3. I have awesome friends and family, too.
4. I love new school supplies. :)
5. I'm Christian!
6. I don't wear makeup.
7. I'm really behind on my summer reading.
8. I can't wait for camp! :D
9. I love dancing.
10. I have a high metabolism.

2. I'm so lucky for this life.
3. I needa get off the computer.
4. Blogging is fun. :)
5. My glasses have butterflies on them.
6. LOL I feel like a Kindergartener.
7. "Inception" was an awesome movie.
8. I'm really lonely and bored here.
9. 1 week till camp!

1. Get married with the person I love and loves me back.
2. Have kids, be able to drive legally.
3. Go to Korea, and get an autographed poster. :)
4. Go to Japan, see the pretty cherryblossoms.
5. Tour Europe!
6. Learn what it feels like to be happy when another person is, and be sad when they are, too.
7. Waah tell everyone I love that I love them. And let them belive it. =.=
8. Have no regrets.

1. Something personal..
2. Make new friends, and be closer to my old ones. :)
3. Choreograph my own dance.
4. Have fun in high school.
5. Be better at computers.
6. Better eyesight? Is that possible?
7. To feel beautiful. As stupid and shallow as that sounds.

1. Eat.
2. Excercise.
3. Violin and piano.
4. Shower.
5. Laugh.
6. Think.

1. Thanks for being a great friend and I'm really sorry for not understanding you at times.
2. I love spazzing out with you. :) Life is so much better.
3. I'm going to miss you a lot. Have fun in your new..home. :)
4. STOP MAKING ME CONFUSED! Just say what you truly think, and don't lie!
5. I know I've been a crappy person to you but in the end know that I'll always love you.

1. Blogging
2. yawning
3. Thinking.
4. Summer reading.

1. Death; actually, I’m not scared of it, but I just have so much I want to do first, and I'll never be prepared for it, I think.
2. sleeping after watching a scary movie.
3. Gangster groups at night.

1. Money (hah so greedy. Just kidding!!)
2. To be finished with my book. =.=

1. I know I say I'm awesome, but I'm really not. (Lol good confession, right?)


Hey everyone! I haven't posted much over the weekend 'cause I don't even get on. :D I know, shocker, right?! But it's 'cause I have much more stuff to do, UNLIKE SOME PEOPLE!! AAHAHAHAHAH.

Lol sorry I'm super high right now and I'm trying to organize how I'm gonna post everything that I wanna without having to make like 60,000 posts. Because see, Michelle has a tumblr, and she finds these really cool things. But she finds too many. =.= And I wanna share everything, but that's too much work. So I'll just talk about this weekend, and show some cool stuff. :)

Ok so yesterday I got to watch the movie "Inception"! :D It was awesome. EXCEPT THE END. OMG. But I'll get there in a minute. Soo it's about these group of people who go into other people's dreams and plant ideas. The main character is Cob, who had to leave his children and unintentionally killed his wife, and wants to get back home. Therefore he helps this Japanese guy to ruin a competitor company by going into the guy's dream and telling him not to do the business.

It's a funny yet cool movie. :)

Ok now to explain the next few funny pics:
The Japenese guy is super rich, and they needed a way to get the rich business competitor guy alone. So they flew in the Japanese guy's private plane.
Next: alright so this helper dude and this girl Ariadne (both going into dreams with Cob) were trying NOT to attract attention in the dream:

Lol and at the end I THINK they like each other. :) That part was funny. The next one is when they went into a deeper part of the dream, and the helper guy in the above picture was trying to shoot down some guys. So this other guy came and blew up the whole building, it was funny. :D

Cob and his wife:
See, this is why I liked this movie. Because it's funny, yet there's action and romance. I like movies with everything, but not too much of it. And it wasn't scary! :D (No seriously. The only scary part was a commercial for "The Last Exorcism" before the movie even started. Don't EVER watch that movie.)

But the END is RETARDED. Like so there's this top, and in a dream it never falls, and in reality it does. But at the end, when Cob's with his kids, it NEVER SHOWS if it falls or not!! D:

Yup, that scary looking person was me. INSIDE. :D Anyways that movie was awesome, I recommend it. I didn't even cry once! :D

Haha jk I'm not a sappy person. Seriously, though. Go watch it.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Aww! (Again)

You know, Tumblr's actually a pretty cool thing. There's lots of cute sayings and pictures on other people's blogs. I think I'll start posting some of their stuff. :)

I want someone to create cute memories with. I want someone to sneak up behind me & kiss my cheeks with the element of surprise. I want to take long strolls in the park holding hands & talk about everything & anything. I want that one special person to appear in my life already.

Well, I think if I fell in love with them now, it'd be too soon. I'd just want to know them, and be the bestest of friends. :)


Now is that cute or what?! Lol too bad I haven't experienced all this yet. Just the first 2? I mean what kind of wussy cries in their pillow? That makes it all wet and gross.

Haha jk. It's cute, what love does to you. :)

Whooaaa God Sighting

Lol this is so ironic. I guess it's not TOO interesting, but I've been degraded to telling about weird boring stuff now since that nothing exciting's been happening. But I really do think this is a God sighting. If not a normal one.

So I went to a pre-camp rally at Michelle's church. I had dance before, so like I was super tired. And then I didn't have dinner, so I pretty much didn't eat for 6 or 7 hours.

And I was wearing contacts ('cause of dance), and the lights in the church were super bright. Or was that just me? I dunno maybe my senses were on overdrive or something. Lol I'm so spazzy.

Anyways but then halfway through I felt really crappy at church. Like nauseous. And it was so weird, 'cause it was right after the preacher finished talking about praying for us that we'd understand God and use our lives to do things that He'd be proud of. And not invest what we do for our life on Earth, which is temporary, but our everlasting time in Heaven. Hopefully. Yeah and also how life is about suffering, but we gotta trust the Lord to help us. He also talked about how church and camp isn't just about friends and fun, but mostly about learning more and getting closer with God.

And I was like "Yeah, he's so right!" 'Cause up 'till that point I only wanted to go to camp for the fun, but then I was like "OMG I can't believe I totally forgot about Him. Man I'm so stupid, but now I know why I'm REALLY going to camp."

And then right after that I felt SUPER CRAPPY and like I couldn't stand up. It's like God was telling me not to go to church for a pre-camp rally just 'cause your friend invited you, and not to go to camp because your friends say it was fun, but that I should realize the TRUE meaning of all these activities, and go for HIM.

Haaa wow I feel so enlightened right now. :) I think that pre-camp rally really made me a better person. Even if I had to feel like I wanted to puke because of hunger, and could barely stand up.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Quotable Quotes

"No, this is MY ding dong! That's YOUR ding dong, and that's YOUR'S."

Lol this reminded me of so much pervertedness I saw on youtube, and during school...mostly pretty much around the world? XD

So I was at a soccer party, I guess (I don't play soccer. We watched the FIFA World Cup Final, lol. Btw, Spain won), and some 5th graders were invited. I think they were playing a messed up version of House, or Family, or whatever, and they had customized doorbells.

Haha but when you're like me sitting off to the side, and just hearing random bits of the conversation, you do like a double take and go "O_O WTF?!"

Anyways that made my day. But is it just me or are kids getting perverted and starting to cuss waay earlier than us? I mean...seriously. It shouldn't happen till before you take Health. It ruins your life, but it's very educational...and makes for good times in life. XP

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Albino Crow?

I was flipping through the internet one day (can you do that??) looking for stuff to put on my blog. 'Cause not much interesting stuff has happened in my life recently, and there's no point in just ranting about little stuff like baby squirrels or baby birds or baby/little sisters. (Ha, see what I did there?)

No but seriously, now that it's like summer, all the animals are very cute. :) Excluding my sister...

Anyways. As I was saying, I was on the internet and I saw this really weird looking bird. Some people were all like, "Oh it's so pretty! We should breed more!" And others were like "Ew what the HELL is that?!" Haha I'm more of like in between. It's not a gross bird, it's just...unique! What do you think?

Lol the second picture makes it look more like an eagle crossed with a snowy owl. But guess what. It's actually a crow!

I'm not sure if crows have any deadly predators or whatever. I know cats and stuff like to chase them, but they usually just fly away. So the color of the bird doesn't really affect its survival. But still, I feel so sorry for it! I mean, look. It's all alone. Like the other birds are shunning it or something. It's so lonely that it's had to stoop down and get human companionship. Or maybe it's a trained didn't think of that. ;P

But really. How do albino things exist? Are there actually albino people? And no offense or anything but albino people remind me of Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter. >.<

I wonder if more and more albino things are cropping up in this world. Probably from pollution...But it'll be like racism all over again. Instead of colored skin, probably like 2000 years from now (if the sun doesn't explode or the world doesn't end) it'll be normal people against albino people. And who knows, maybe Lord Voldemort'll be real.

But for now, I'll just thank God for letting my family and me be normal. :) (Well, as normal as we can get...)

Monday, July 5, 2010


Aah Happy Belated July 4th everyone! Lol I didn't post yesterday...too busy. >.>

Anyways hope everyone saw bunches of fireworks last night! I know I did...we sat on like the soccer field, watched a fireworks show. Then we started naming all the fireworks we saw...Michelle was like this squeaky boom kinda one, and me and Mary were all the awesome fireworks. :) Alex and Karan were just random ones, and of course we also found some Ke$has and some Lakeeshas. (I don't even know if that's a real name...)

Anyways yesterday I just gotta catch up with my friends. It was pretty fun. The fireworks weren't the best, but they're still probably better than anything my street could ever have done. Especially without setting anything on fire.

Hm yesterday I also went to Wal-Mart to buy lots of stuff. Food, of course, but I also got a straightener! :D Now my hair won't be like..a lion's mane. O.o lol. But it looks a lot better straightened. Argh I also had to get makeup for dance, since I started feeling guilty after borrowing everyone else's makeup for..what..5 1/2 years? Haa I'm such a freeloader.

So..the U.S. is now a free country for another year! :D I've just realized that a lot of us are super lucky to be in this country, and not some other one, where you have to study everyday and spend more time in the bookstore than at the mall. I feel so happy just thinking about it.

Hmm but we still gotta visit that country we just ironic.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Ello guys. I know I've been posting more than usual...but that's due to the confusion with 2 blogs and insane boredom. I made a Tumblr..but I'll still keep this one. :) I don't really wanna waste more internet space than needed. (You guys should be feeling guilty right about now. XP)

Anyways. I've decided to make it easier for other people, I'll just post the same things on both blogs. This is why God has made copying and pasting, lol. So whichever one you wanna go to, so be it.

Ah my tumblr is It looks a lot different than my Blogger's all hitech and stuff. I just don't like how you can't comment. Or maybe I haven't found it yet. :)

Keep on visiting! Thanks a ton..million..whatever.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


HAAA I figured out that you COULD change your url on blogger! Stupid me. Now it's In case you couldn't figure it out...though I don't know how you got here. o.o hmm...

Anyways thanks to my followers for..following..and reading...and voting and commenting and stuff like that. And thanks to my readers that didn't follow for all that other stuff I said above. :) I would seriously have quit this if it weren't for you guys!

FUDGE but you know what sucks? All my comments are gone. :( So COMMENT MORE! :)thanks.


HAA July 1st! A new month...a

Anyways. Um..I'm gonna keep this post short. It's about Tumblr. I Michelle and Becca - and some other people I guess - are now blogging on Tumblr. And since no one's using their Blogspots ('cept for me), I guess the smart thing to do would be to switch over to Tumblr.

Hm but I dunno! I really like this blog..I mean, I've had it for 3 years now, and soon I'll have tons of stuff to post about, since I'm going to high school! All the memories!

And plus...Tumblr's confusing to me. Lol. I'm pretty sure it's just 'cause it's new to me, though. 'Cause everything's like..step by step and there's buttons for different categories and stuff. Though this blog has it, too....well, Tumblr's just a lot different. Like I think it's less organized. And we all know I love organization.

Hm so what should I do? I already have a few subscribers...but one of them asked me to switch. And I know I shouldn't listen to peer pressure, or whatever, but it's pretty much peer pressure that led me to this blog anyways. And look at how happy we are together! :D

Haha I'm dreaming. But I really don't know if I should switch. I know what would help me make my decision, though! If blogspot could let us change our urls, I would totally stay. 'Cause with tumblr you could do that. And I wanna change my url now...too long and complicated. :-/

You know what? I'll just keep posting on this for now...and I'll ask the Blogger people to see if they can make a new feature to change urls. :) Yaah I feel like I'm making a difference in the world! Even if it's just for

Anyways, keep on staying alive guys! Hope ya'll have a great 4th of July!