I was flipping through the internet one day (can you do that??) looking for stuff to put on my blog. 'Cause not much interesting stuff has happened in my life recently, and there's no point in just ranting about little stuff like baby squirrels or baby birds or baby/little sisters. (Ha, see what I did there?)
No but seriously, now that it's like summer, all the animals are very cute. :) Excluding my sister...
Anyways. As I was saying, I was on the internet and I saw this really weird looking bird. Some people were all like, "Oh it's so pretty! We should breed more!" And others were like "Ew what the HELL is that?!" Haha I'm more of like in between. It's not a gross bird, it's just...unique! What do you think?
Lol the second picture makes it look more like an eagle crossed with a snowy owl. But guess what. It's actually a crow!
I'm not sure if crows have any deadly predators or whatever. I know cats and stuff like to chase them, but they usually just fly away. So the color of the bird doesn't really affect its survival. But still, I feel so sorry for it! I mean, look. It's all alone. Like the other birds are shunning it or something. It's so lonely that it's had to stoop down and get human companionship. Or maybe it's a trained bird..hm didn't think of that. ;P
But really. How do albino things exist? Are there actually albino people? And no offense or anything but albino people remind me of Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter. >.<
I wonder if more and more albino things are cropping up in this world. Probably from pollution...But it'll be like racism all over again. Instead of colored skin, probably like 2000 years from now (if the sun doesn't explode or the world doesn't end) it'll be normal people against albino people. And who knows, maybe Lord Voldemort'll be real.
But for now, I'll just thank God for letting my family and me be normal. :) (Well, as normal as we can get...)
LOLOL i was on tumblr and i saw this so i wanted to comment on it and then i went to "awesomejenny.com" and it was this random girl and i was liek WHOAWTC. but then i found you.
anyways, now i forgot what i was gonna say thanks to my rambling.
except that you're weird and you can't flip through the internet (:
Whoa. THE 2nd picture looks awesome. Its like a white eagle of pure light, vanquishing the realms of evil..... or maybe just a cool looking bird looking into the depths of thy soul. XD
that gets killed by my gaia the fierce knight and his lightning blade haha
keep posting jenny. good posts
lol thanks guys for commenting... it gives me a new perspective. lol
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