Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Adventures!

Heey guys! :) Just came back from trick-or-treating.

So...I got to Michelle's house around 6ish, and then I had to change into my gangsterness, while Michelle contemplated on what to wear. We waited for like, an hour for Helen, because she was LATE jk. But anyways, she had to change into a slut.

OMG! But while we were waiting, Michelle straightened my hair, and it felt reaally warm and good...But I was afraid if Michelle would burn my like, head. Or neck. 'Cause I've burned myself on a straightener, and I wasn't even using it. I just like, accidentally touched. That's how klutzy I am. :P

So anyways. Helen came, changed, and Michelle STILL wasn't done with her clothes, 'cause she wanted to wear a preppy thing, but all her tank tops were "too tight", and this one shirt she had was "too tight"...and I said her "skirt" looked like she was going to a funeral. (It was black! I think it was her orchestra skirt.)

Well, Michelle ended up looking like she usually does..except wearing a tank top, and me and Helen tried to get her to put this like, flower clip in her hair. But she wouldn't listen! It took us like, a full 20 minutes to get the thing in her hair because she kept on pulling it out.

Anyways...everyone just like, came to Michelle's house, except for Alex, who we had to go meet. But all the guys were selfish and slowing us down for the CANDY, (translates to they like candy more than Alex)...but eventually we found him in his banana costume! :D

Ok, so the costumes/nicknames:

Michelle: ....klutzy hawaiian farm girl. :)
Helen: cheerleader slut prostitute. :) (we're so good at costumes!)
Jerry: gangster? He just wore school clothes...
James: RED DRESS! It was like, some kind of star wars thing, and then it was too small, was a dress! :) but he took it off halfway.
Cameron: James's lil bro! He was ELVIS!
Victor: Mugger..with a bebe gun. D:
Kevin: i don't know what...Nike advertisement?
Jonathan??: I don't really know..He had some kind of costume, but I didn't really pay attention, lol. Sorry...

Anyways. So we walked around..and there were cool decorations, like one was a "car crash", and another was like, a fake ghost on wires, and then the person would pull a string to make it move.
The house were SUPER HUGE, TOO.

So anyways...Helen had to go to the bathroom halfway through, so we stopped at Jerry's house...He had a bunch of Monsters(the drink) there, and I tried some of Gary's, and it was BAD. It tastes like grape medicine mixed with sour skittles...I don't know how people think that's good. (sorry guys).

Anyways, then we finished, and then we ended up at Michelle's house..all the parents started talking, so we were just upstairs goofing around. Helen tried to teach me a pole dancing move, but it didn't really work out.

Lol so stupid. Anyways, then everyone left at the same time, so..I'm home now! :)

Kay..that was my Halloween.

Oh wait! I saw Claudia, Miranda, and Karan, too. Claudia was a bumblebee, and Miranda was a very poofy haired Taylor Swift. Lol it was soo funny...and Karan was like, Harry Potter. But I couldn't even tell until he told us, because he didn't have funky glasses, a hat, or a wand. And I saw Shripal! (I think that's how you spell his name..) He was cat in the hat! :DD that was my Halloween. Gonna eat candy!! :)

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